The Resale module allows OEMs to manage Steel Resale/Directed-Buy Programs in a very efficient manner. It allows users to validate metals usage by comparing OEM forecasted demand “to- Stamper orders “to- metals producer shipments. Calculations are made for material subsidies and other costs, including calculation of scrap-premium recovery amounts (in multiple currencies, if appropriate). Some benefits of our Resale/Directed-buy module include the following:
Parts Management
OEM Bill Of Materials data synchronization
Track pricing history of individual parts
Capture changes to data (from/to, who, when, reason for change)
Part data approval processes to ensure validity of data
Scrap Recovery
Ability to recover scrap premiums based on actual data (important in periods of high scrap costs)
Increased payments from suppliers for Scrap Recovery
Yield savings
Better management of blank sizes (reduce waste in blanks)
Steel consolidation opportunities (fewer material variants)
Fewer issues with incorrect steel shipments
Manpower savings
Significantly less labor is required to administer Steel Resale programs
Quick and easy overview of steel supply chain dynamics
Purchase Order data is available for all appropriate partners to see.
Automated ordering
Resale Management
Metal usage: audit capability to the part level (Demand vs Ordered vs Shipped)
Subsidy calculation to the individual part level for any time period
Subsidy forecasts to the part level for future time periods
Pricing management (including pricing history, by part and steel type)
Report generation for US Customs
Automated invoicing from steel supplier